Tell me, how are you tidying up ?

 illustration – artistic direction – mediation – graphic and information design – edition

Tell me, how are you tidying up?
A teaching booklet on teachers
and their organizational practices


– Paris Saclay

– artistic direction
– illustration
– mediation
– edition
– graphic and information design


Magali Loffredra is a doctoral student in education. His thesis subject, which deals with the activity of organizing resources by teachers, is currently little documented by research.
As part of her thesis, she questioned 23 teachers from a high school in the Paris suburbs on their ways of storing, sorting, classifying and archiving the resources necessary for the development of their courses. What resources do teachers use in an “all-digital” era? What types of material organizations do they mobilize?

With a very substantial material that she wanted to highlight and make accessible to the greatest number, we thought and created a didactic edition taking up and highlighting her research and results.
The booklet, thanks to numerous illustrations, translates the richness of Magali’s research and opens up various readings. Its purpose is to show an invisible part of the teaching work, namely the organization of educational resources. It allows neophytes as connoisseurs to immerse themselves playfully in the cutting-edge work of a researcher.

First, we prioritized the various interviews she had been able to conduct. How to create a dynamic red thread, between teachers, and put forward in a fun and a didactic way their differences in practices?
At the end of this work, the content revolves around major themes: the life course of teachers, their professional and personal workspaces, their tangible and digital resources, their methods of tidying up and storage as well as the days-types of each individual.

Depending on the position of the reader, the latter can choose how to enter the discovery of teachers’ portraits: by illustrations, by text (also hierarchical) or by standard days.

You can read this book here (french version) !

It is already available in French and soon in Spanish.


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