Botanical Garden

   artistic direction – graphic design- mediation -silkscreen



Botanical garden of Strasbourg


– artistic direction
– mediation
– graphic design



Creation of a pedagogical path in the botanical garden of Strasbourg for students in scientist option in High school. What was important was how to fit all the important notions in the environment to create a sort of treasure hunt lead by the questions that the students asked. This proposal invites to discover the diversity and the extent of the garden.

To achieve that, we created a sort of traps on the ground, opening and questioning the students, thus implying their participation. These boxes offer several questions on the various themes covered in the scientific A level program. They also offer to inform the students about the properties of the studied plants, for example, their morphology. This participatory signage can be used by the average visitors of the garden. Prototype made of wood subsequently silkscreened by two colors passages in the silkscreen lab of the Hear.

Creation with Chloé Ceschin.


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